I guide and support families to cultivate loving, nurturing and respectful relationships

After working alongside families for more than 30 years as an Educator, Mediator and Coach, I have seen the transformational impact on family wellbeing when parents learn the art of mindfulness and conscious, self-aware parenting. Emotionally resilient and healthy children are raised when care-givers are invested in their own personal growth.

If you’re struggling with relationship challenges, behavioural issues, or you’re just feeling overwhelmed by the realities of parenthood - I can help. Many of us didn’t get the right upbringing, we struggle with our own self-esteem, self-confidence and self-care. It’s hard for us to pass these qualities onto our children when we have our own unmet needs and challenges. 

My experience, insight and understanding will support you to navigate through these times. Using modern relational methodologies, behavioural science and mindfulness practices, together we explore fears, bias, and negative thought patterns to help you and your family break unhealthy cycles and unlock the secret to stronger bonds and improved communication. Like anything in life, building meaningful relationships takes awareness, practice and skill.

Start your journey and empower yourself with the tools to parent and communicate with confidence, calmness and connection. 

Step by Step support for…

  • Parenting skills decrease stress.

    Build confidence by having a toolbox of strategies and invest time in your own personal growth.

  • Genuine, quality connection and presence in relationships supports positive, healthy family functioning. Learn essential non-verbal and verbal skills to connect with your child at their level.

  • Give yourself the space to vent your parenting overwhelm in a safe, non-judgemental way and work through it with compassion.

  • Boundary setting is a life skill. Explore how to communicate your needs and desires in a respectful way with your child and or partner/teen.

  • Break free from traditional discipline patterns and learn to set boundaries and limits from love.

  • Families do well with a united, confident, consistent parent leadership team. Explore your family values with a coach so that you are both on the same page. Consistent family values are essential for children to thrive.

  • Emotional literacy and regulation are important skills. Parents can help children develop skills and emotional intelligence. Learn skilful ways to respond rather than react.

  • Are you or your child anxious? Learn how to recognise potential triggers and bring more awareness and ability to respond in the moment.

  • The key to receptive teens is quality communication. Learn and explore ways to listen, fix less and relax. The years between 13-19 years are usually classified as turbulent times as the children are going through many growth changes, physically and mentally. Your ability to skilfully navigate their emotions is invaluable.

  • Explore mindful ways to cooperate after separation and put your child’s needs first as a discussion. Co-parenting isn’t about one side winning and the other losing - It’s about teamwork, compromise, and finding collaborative ways through conflict.

  • A key relationship skill in thriving families is problem solving. Mediation or Couples Coaching enables conversation to flow where there has been a breakdown in communication and trust. Explore new ways to get your needs and values met with your partner and/or family member.

  • Time on devices and phones need to be safely managed by parents as we all use them to learn and entertain.

    Explore alternative ways to connect and engage with your children in a screen-free environment and create lasting healthy habits around screen time.

Working With Me

Client Success Stories

  • “Lisa’s empathic reflection and guidance has helped me to really understand who I am, beneath the layers of confusion that I’d felt burdened by forever. Over the course of a few sessions, we deconstructed some key patterns and triggers from my childhood that I simply could never have identified and healed on my own. My sessions with Lisa have been transformative. She is truly gifted, committed and passionate about her work and the people she helps. My connection with my child continues to grow immeasurably as my own awareness develops. My world has changed as a result and I will be forever grateful.” Shine, Parent

  • “This course was amazing, opening my eyes and ears to my children. Thank you, this was the kindest thing I’ve ever done for both them and myself.” Natasha, Parent

  • “My experience has been life changing. The best part was learning how to reflect on myself and thoughts. I have always blocked this out since early teenage years so it was great to have a safe, positive place with like-minded people to share, learn and reflect with.” Noor

  • “I used to have a short temper with my wife and kids, especially when they started whining at me. I was good at threatening, shouting and punishing my boys if they didn’t listen to me or do what I told them to do. Since the completion of the course I have raised my voice a few times ( no more shouting at them). I have learnt to build rapport and practise active listening before I impose my values upon them. I use conflict resolution skills with them when they are fighting. I can see my two boys are much calmer and polite compared to before the course. And our relationship has never been better! Highly recommend the course”. Frank, Parent

  • “Amazing, empowering and non-judgemental, Lisa has had a significant and meaningful impact on our family. I am so grateful for the strategies I have learnt from the program that empowered my children, and me. When we face difficult feelings, remember to connect before we correct. Practising mindful communication has created a stronger relationship with my two children.” Emily, Parent

  • "I now feel better equipped to respond to the challenging behaviours of my children. Before these sessions, I was very reactive and we were falling apart as a family." Marcus, Parent

  • “Lisa has helped me become more assertive with managing difficult adult relationships in my role as Deputy Principal.” Dianna

  • “Mindful communication and conflict resolution skills help to create a peaceful environment for tamariki to be nurtured and respected, this is the foundation for their wellbeing, emotionally, socially and spiritually.” Kura, Parent

  • “What I found most helpful about Lisa’s coaching was her ability to help me understand and unfold the true me. Her calm, confidence and integrity made me feel comfortable to unpack and address long standing challenges. Working with Lisa has helped me value myself, gain confidence and make better decisions.” Lavender, Parent

  • “I will use this programme in my life to help others and to make myself stronger both mentally and emotionally. It’s like a life guide. I can also use these tools to help others struggling with mental issues, bullying etc.” Amanda, (aged 17)

  • “Following the retreat, I have been able to help first-year university students struggling with mental health. Through the confidence and problem-solving techniques learnt on the retreat, I was able to prevent two students from committing suicide this year as well as helping few students going through self-harm and self-doubt to finding purpose in life. I also established a Reading Programme at Papatoetoe High School in an effort to reduce inequalities amongst low decile students and help them to gain confidence in reaching tertiary education.” Amandeep, (aged 20)

  • “You equip yourself with knowledge and tools to help you understand how you can do your bit to potentially influence others to change and create a domino effect of good things happening. You’ll leave the retreat physically, but spiritually it’ll remain with you.” Jon Jon, (aged 19).

  • ‘I have really enjoyed learning with Lisa, it has really helped me in my current training with AUT as a counsellor” Sharon

  • “You’ve collected so much wisdom over the years and worked through many issues yourself-all of that is an amazing offering to this world, especially when love is the motive. I’m thrilled for the many people you will bless and your wonderful skills and beautiful radiation” Angelika, Counsellor

  • “What I loved about the Mindful Communication workshop itself was that I enjoyed it and it was so engaging! The experience has not only helped me to have a better communication with my daughter it has also helped with my partner as now I can see some of their reactions are related to their personality and not because they are trying to be difficult. Lol!" Nahed